901 S. National Ave. Springfield, MO 65897 [email protected] +1417-836-5000


Who We Are/About

IBDL Learning Group, the driving force behind extraordinary success, motivates professionals to embark on a transformative journey of continuous learning. International business education has been completely transformed by IBDL Learning Group, the unwavering owner of the IBDL brand certificates worldwide. IBDL Learning Group encourages people to achieve extraordinary levels with its cutting-edge learning solutions and firm dedication to quality.

Certification Authority and Collaboration
In order to provide distinguished learning solutions that motivate professionals to strive for excellence, IBDL Learning Group develops strong partnerships with major names in the industry like McGraw-Hill and the International Leadership Training Centre (ILTC), Missouri State University. IBDL Learning Group makes sure that its learning solutions meet industry standards and encourage learners to go beyond what is expected of them and realize their full potential by utilizing the combined experience of these distinguished partners.

Growth and Transformation
From humble beginnings in 2006, IBDL Learning Group has undergone a remarkable evolution, expanding its offerings to encompass an extensive portfolio of twenty-two dynamic learning solutions that cater to the diverse needs of ambitious professionals. The continual drive for improvement reflects IBDL Learning Group's dedication to innovation, enabling learners to accept new challenges and undergo change.

Fostering a Culture of Lifelong Learning
The IBDL Learning Group aims to inspire individuals and organizations to push their boundaries, learn quickly, and maintain a thirst for knowledge. We use creative ways and innovative methods to make learning engaging and encourage continuous curiosity. Through IBDL Learning Solutions, professionals embark on a journey of exploration and growth, setting ambitious goals and realizing their aspirations.

Inspire to Learn: A Motto That Drives Success
"Inspire to Learn" is more than a slogan at IBDL Learning Group, it is a guiding principle that penetrates every aspect of our educational philosophy. We believe that inspiration pushes professionals to exceed expectations and achieve excellence. Through our transformative learning solutions, we motivate learners to recognize the pleasure of ongoing learning and equip them to confidently navigate the complexities of the global business landscape.

Ignite Your Ambition, Inspire to Learn 
IBDL Learning Group encourages you to follow your aspirations and realize your complete potential. With our dynamic learning solutions as your guide, you can begin on a journey of constant learning and development. Discover your inner strength as you embrace our cutting-edge learning solutions and join a community of courageous professionals who seek excellence without fear. IBDL Learning Group acts as the turning point that inspires you to learn and advance your achievements.



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